Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here's a pic of the beautiful roses Eddie gave to me for Mother's Day last week. What a sweet guy. I couldn't ask for a better husband or father for my children. period. The girls are playing a ferocious game of "hot hands" right now. I want to tell them to stop, but I know this childhood rite of passage has never caused permanent damage (I think). A few minutes ago, I had to say to Regan "why are you writing on the watermelon?" Life just wouldn't be complete without the kids bringing these bizarre details into our daily lives. Stress? Yep. Joy, fulfillment, entertainment? Absolutely. May all Mother's Days be filled with treasures lovingly made by the tiniest hands. I love every trinket, every card hand-made from construction paper, every sweet gift they give, every kiss, every hug, even the tantrums. Thank you GOD. I am truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I love those roses!!! And that watermelon comment cracked me up.
