Saturday, April 3, 2010

Waiting for the game

Our blog is a diary of our journey - so here goes - we're waiting for the game tonight. Exciting, right? Yesterday was spent enjoying the warm weather, playing outside, a movie (Clash of the Titans), and grilling out some burgers and dogs. It seemed like yesterday was just for relaxing and breathing in the fresh air. I tried my hand at grooming the dogs. Friday I shaved Beau because his coat was so matted - not attractive. He is pretty much naked, so I finally put a sweater on him to keep him warm. He was so sad, shivering and running around in circles. He's much better now, curled up with a blanket next to me. Charlie's hair cut went much better. I just went over him with a #3 and gave him a trim around his face with scissors. He looks good! So, that brings us to today - waiting for the game. The kids are excited and so am I. We've followed this team through an incredible season, and aside from a few poor games, they've been incredible. Just to be in the final four is great, but with the momentum the team has right now, I think we just might win. Mazulla is on top of his game now, and is looking more polished than he ever has, and what can I say about Da'Sean? He's the scrappiest player out there. If they leave it ALL on the court, I think they'll win. I still can't believe the schoolin' they gave UK. Incredible. So today will be spent waiting - and baking my 1st "flying WV" cake with the kids, and relaxing.

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