Sunday, January 29, 2012

So, GOD is right there in the middle of it.

There's something new to learn in each and every day - I'm convinced of that. An item that came to my attention at church this weekend was that in those very difficult and uncomfortable circumstances we sometimes find ourselves (I think of constant conflict I have with someone I love), GOD is there. The example in the Bible where this is found is the resurrection of Lazarus. Basically, Jesus had messed around and not come directly back to Martha and Mary when they sent for him and while Jesus was gone, their brother (and Jesus' friend), Lazarus had died. When assessing the situation and feeling empathy for both Martha and Mary and sadness at Lazarus' death, "JESUS WEPT". (Then of course he raised Lazarus from the dead). But the thing that has touched me was that Jesus had a serious emotional experience over everyone's distress and grief.

So, I pretty much had always thought that when my back was against the wall, there was conflict and someone was sarcastic and insulting, or I was experiencing a distressing situation....that I was equipped with the word of GOD to deal with the situation in the most fitting way.....I always tried to deal with it the way I "should" according to the Bible. Being gracious, humble, forgiving, having good boundaries and trying to have a positive attitude. But it was on MY shoulders to take action (or not) and do the right thing, defending myself the best I could. I pretty much suck at it. Guess what - I really never thought about GOD being right there with me, feeling sorrow at my pain and sadness. I guess when faced with those situations in the future, I'll feel better equipped....I don't know - we'll see.

Monday, January 23, 2012

I've called this a "journey"

Ok, so I called my blog a "journey"......and a journey it is, in some ways I hadn't really thought about. I've read some books by Luci Swindoll and marvel about how she talks about "and it came to pass..." stories in the Bible. It's really true, you know. Things "come to pass". Things don't really just happen and stay....they come....and they go. Both the good and the bad things in life come AND go. Good things happen and we enjoy those moments in life like births and weddings. We enjoy and treasure those moments, then life moves on. What kind of car we drive or what shoes we wear are just passing circumstances.....not really significant. Then bad things happen, and we pause, grieve and then that moment passes. We are forever altered by both the good and bad things, but ultimately, even the bad things do pass - eventually.

So, about the journey - people come....and sometimes people go. People are all on their own journey.....sometimes from this life into the next.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

beachy 2011

After some contemplation, salty air in my lungs, sun on my skin and some keen observations, I'm convinced I'm blessed beyond measure and I have the best kids in the world. I was taking a walk this morning and gray clouds rolled in and it rained on me. As the rain poured down, I realized it's not that unpleasant, and it's warm outside. My face and eyes were getting pretty wet, so to shield my face I looked down. As I looked down I saw two incredibly beautiful shells. If it wasn't raining and my head wasn't down, I wouldn't have found these two sea treasures. Metaphor for life? made me think a little.

.....Re-acquainting with Josh. It's been several years since we've seen him, and in so many ways he hasn't changed a bit. He's sweet and natural with the kids and a genuinely fun person to be around. We consider ourselves so blessed to enjoy a week with him
.........Getting to know Amelie. She's such a sweet little 2 year old! What a wonderful little kid. For having been here in the US for only a few months, her language is great! We could understand many words and she has a very sweet and cuddly disposition
.......Beachy time. We spent so much time just sitting in the sand, listening to the ocean roar, feeling the breeze and sun on our faces and smelling the salty air. Swimming, running, playing horseshoes. Crabs inside conical shells, crabs in flat shells, clams digging. Relaxing. Breathing.
.......Rest. Relax. Reflect.......Retire??

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What does it mean????

To quote the double rainbow guy....."what does it mean????" Today I get my first FDA approval and my reaction: "really?". Was it all the waiting or the years of struggle with this product that turned my reaction sour?? Not sure. All I know is that I've worked on this project for 3 years and now that it's approved and the launch batches are nearing completion, I'm just glad to get rid of it. Not the reaction I anticipated. I guess it's anti-climactic when I get one approval and I've got 2 waiting in the wings and 4 that will be submitted this year. After the standard 2 year wait for a final approval.......okay, whatever....I've got work to do.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Sta-cation 2010!

This Christmas has been so relaxing, mostly because we've all 6 been on vacation the entire time. It's been wonderful to just sleep in, watch movies and cook our favorite foods (and a few new things). As I watched the kids this week I'm amazed at a few things. Julie is so much a young lady now. She is such an absolute beauty and has the gift of a dry wit that I enjoy very much. As she opened her gifts this year I realized how she appreciates the personal and thoughtful gifts and as she has matured, she has become very sensitive - she's a delight. I see a strength in her that is amazing. Life with Evan has expanded beyond our own family to those of friends more this year than ever. He surrounds himself with people who are fun to be around and who have good hearts. It seems like these kids have a heart for Christ and are trying to make their ways through life the best way one can. People always criticize the next generation....not me. The world is in good hands. Claire has been at my side baking and cooking this week. She is really growing up and beginning to beginning to be concerned with her distant future. She's thinking about driving, what kind of car she will have, where she will work first and of course where she will go to college. She has grown more firm in her desire to be a Veterinarian and is working now toward that goal....all of that and she's only in 6th grade. Whatever she does - school work or basketball, she shows absolute resolve to do her best. Regan is just "Regan". She is the breath of bliss and carefree existence - enjoying singing with guitar hero (you ought to hear her belt out Bohemian Rhapsody) and watching movies and playing. She is so dear and still loves to cuddle, even though she tells me my breath stinks! She'll have things to worry about in many years to come. It's nice now to enjoy her carefree attitude! All in all, this week has been wonderful - a reality check that this is what it's all about - the kids & their futures and just enjoying their diverse personalities. Ok, back to cooking. For New Year's dinner we're having a German Mushroom stuffed Beef Rouladen.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

And just like that.....summer is over?

A few trips to Cheat Lake Park, several visits to the WV Botanic Garden, a long weekend at the farm, a week at Disney.......and just like's over? You've got to be kidding me. I don't even remember it starting. Just like all the other well-intentioned plans for seasonal bliss, I can file this summer under "where did the time go?" So, here we go, back to school with homework in the darker evenings, cross country meets, soccer matches.....goodbye summer.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22, 2010. Today would have been my Dad's 71st birthday. In so many ways, losing him was a life altering event that fundamentally transformed me. Life is too short to hang onto anger and carry a grudge. Let it go. Life is too short to skip even one hug or one kiss. You never know when it will be your last. Life is too short to concern yourself with material posessions. Items come and go. People are forever. Work hard and try to take time to play a little. It's the simple joys we share that bring us the closest. Pancakes for breakfast, washing a car, a good movie; just simple things. Listen to others; it's amazing what you can learn. When you leave this world, two things you leave behind really matter: the love you have given others and the children you pass this world on to. We're all eternal beings on our journey through this life to eternity, here to help each other out the best we can, our lives an example of the love of Jesus Christ. Happy Birthday, Dad. To say I miss you would be an understatement.